Sunday, August 12, 2007

Harry Potter's Perpetual Impact on Muggles

I don't even have to initiate an explanation of the phenomenon that is Harry Potter. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, all the way to the finale': Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; the aptly named genious J.K. Rowling has kept us mystified for years.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (SS) was introduced when I was in High School. It seemed the dorkiest of the dorky were the few with their noses burried in the binding. I deemed it as something silly and didn't want a part of it. It progressed to mainstream "Popular culture" status and I still didn't want a part of it. Even now, I look for ways of only using Paris Hilton's iconic personallege for SEO. That way, maybe SOMEHOW...I might get a better ranking and a larger reader base. Has it worked yet?

When I first saw the preview for SS at some other peckless movie, I immediately fell in love with the suspense, dark heebe-jeebies, and overall the majestic cinematography. I didn't start reading the books until after I had watched the 2nd (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets [CoS]), I conformed and read Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban (PoA). A heroing tale, daunting to say the least. I was amazed by how involved I became!

With each title, the charismatic world enveloped me into the magically non-Muggle world. Every plot twist, and the development of each character enchanted me.

With the quarter-life crisis of trying to identify who I am, I've tried to (excuse the cliche' or banality) "read between the lines." Most of which has been to identify the caracteristics of the characters - Who they are, what they did, how they react, etc. I've been amazed at the depth each character (main, and even peripheral), and what virtues they embrace.

My goal in the next couple weeks is to identify what each character has to teach us about the Muggle world.


Cameron said...

i did the exact same thing. i boycotted the whole idea for the longest time! it almost made me angry how much people were obsessed with it! then the 1st movie came out and my mom wouldn't let me watch it until i read the book. so i did...then i read the 2nd one and then the 3rd one...all in a 3-4 day time span. i was hooked. they're incredible. i don't even know exactly what it is, but it's perfect! haha!

Cindy said...

I am looking forward to reading about what you think...that's a really cool idea!

I didn't start reading Harry Potter until last May, I think. Of of my faculty members highly recommended it to me, and I love the movies, so decided to give it a second (I'd tried to read it before and hated it.) shot and was really impressed!

Helen said...

Is NOTHING sacred??
Does that HP just get EVERYWHERE???
Is it not even safe to visit my chum's blog without falling over the blomin' HP??
(Erk - you seem to have triggered a rant!)
I've nothing against the woman herself you understand, and if the books have helped a whole generation to engage with books, that a great thing to have achieved; but.
But i still get irked whenever the subject comes up, because when I was first writing full time, and everyone asked me if I was published (obviously NOT!) it seemed that every single person i the uiverse said to me "Oh, well JK Rowling got rejected lots of times before SHE got published."
Well duh.
So has everyone else who has ever published a book - or not.
Imagine if you can how irked i was when, having secured my very first interview with the press about my picture books for 5 - 8 yr olds, the slimy reporter asked a ridiculous questin pertaining to La Rowling. I gave him short shrift.
In the article he then said that " children prepare to read Harry Potter, they can have fu with...." etc.
Was it SO unreasonable of me to get cross?
Just because my books were for a different age group and a different genre, should i be picky about him mentioning HP, just to get his readership up a bit?
Three years on I have mellowed a bit.
I've tried reading the first book, but it was so detailed I couldnt remember who was who.
I smile when anyone mentions La Rowling. After all, I was a lone parent too once, and I'm happy for her that she no longer struggles to heat her kitchen.
I CAN acknowledge that HP has done huge things for children's books, whatever the reasons.
I've hjeard it said that the first book isnt the best one to start with, ironically - do you agree, and which would you recommend to catch my attention?
(Phew. I've stopped ranting now - Sorry about that!)