Wednesday, August 8, 2007

DCA for the BODy (How to cure cancer?)

I came across this tidbit that I found interesting! A non-corrosive salt of Dichloroacetic Acid (DCA) was found to stimulate the mitochondria of cancer cells.

Why is this good??

Cancer cells use glycolysis and not oxidation as a source of energy. Usually cancer cells have damaged mitochondria (used by normal healthy cells for energy through oxidation). This is bad, because the body's mechanism for destroying damaged cells (Apoptosis) is linked to mitochondria, and renders this function useless. So, cancer cells live and divide freely to form tumors.

Univ. of Alberta scientists found that DCA restores midochondrial funtion (which in-turn restores Apoptosis). This is found to reduce the size of tumors in vitro and in rats.

For further reading - New Scientist.

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